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Effect of zinc oxide on the stability of natural rubber

更新时间:2018-09-14 11:07:00点击次数:1526次字号:T|T

Discussion of various safe agent on latex indicate the influence of zinc oxide safe sex, the concentration of the zinc oxide latex safe sex and latex, yellow body, has a direct relationship between protein content and its degradation degree and high concentration of latex has lower zinc oxide safe sex, latex fraction level the more points (yellow viscous body, the less), the higher the zno safe sex, artificial or natural setteth protein degradation will decrease zinc oxide.

The stabilization effect of zno is not only related to the solubility of zn, but also related to the composition of zn ion. Adding temperature can speed up the composition of low ammonia-zn complex ion, the stabilizing effect also increases, and the addition of ammonia content has a similar effect.

Many people have discussed the effect of zinc oxide on the stabilization of ammoniated latex. It is believed that the stabilization effect of zinc oxide is caused by the formation of bivalent zinc aminosium ions and the formation of insoluble zinc soap.

The study of Van -nederween et al. proves that in natural latex containing zinc oxide, the number of positively charged collaterals may increase to enough to stabilize the latex particles when sufficient amounts of ammonia are present. The thickness of the particle maintenance layer was reduced, and the potential of sodium decreased to the critical value.

(编辑:ChengBang Chemical)
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